Yesterday Maricopa County Board of Supervisors was due to answer the subpoena from the Arizona Senate for more information to finalize the audit. In an amazing letter, the County basically told the Senate to FU themselves.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Responds To Arizona Senate Subpoena – Go Spit, “It’s Time to Move On”
Dominion Voting Systems also told them to pound sand.
Maricopa County and Dominion Voting Systems refuse to comply with Arizona Senate subpoenas
And did you hear this one? Pennsylvania Initiates Forensic Audit After County Refuses To Turn Over Voting Machines To State Senate As Lawmakers Officially Launch Probe
Sen Doug Mastriano: “We Will Have A Meeting, We Will Vote On Subpoenas, And Let The Fun Begin”
Let’s not leave Wisconsin out of this! Because of the fearless patriot efforts in Wisconsin, the Speaker of The House Robin Voss has finally picked up his feet furthering the investigation. And Chairman of the Election Committee Janel Brandtjen has helped to push this forward. In the next week or two, we can expect Wisconsin to finally get the ball rolling on an election audit.
Americas Audit Update: HUGE Week Expected In 3 States THIS WEEK (VIDEO)
This information will make your head spin!!
Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN
Each of you are very smart and wise people. You know that nothing can be fixed until the root of the matter is fixed. As hard as this is to watch our country in such a stinking mess — it is all good because we are seeing the dirt and now we can start the clean up. We have no idea where this is going and we can only hope that truth will prevail. It always does and it may take a while!
If you’d like a little hope to go along with all this, check out this video from this past weekend. While giving a speech a woman shouts out to President Trump: “we need you back now! ”Hear his response …
President Trump Back Soon? “You’re going to be VERY happy!”
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
― Joe Klaas